Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide
Configuration Manager

The Configuration Manager allows an institution to configure system settings in one Temenos Infinity system (i.e. a source system) and then transfer those settings to another Temenos Infinity system (i.e. a target system). Transferring settings from one environment to another in just a few clicks saves time and prevents errors from occurring when trying to rebuild configurations from scratch.

Configuration Manager is automatically included in release 14.00.00 and higher of Temenos Infinity; therefore, no additional activation steps are required.

The Configuration Manager process is bi-directional, meaning that settings can be sent from a test system into a production system and can also be sent from a production system back into a test system. In order for this to work, the source system and the target system must be on the same Temenos Infinity release. The process that gathers configuration information from the source system is called an Export. The process that adds configurations to the target system is called an Import. Both the Export and Import are accessed through System Management.

Most of the configurable items available in System Management can be imported and exported through Configuration Manager. An item is a piece of Temenos functionality that is available for export. When selected for export, these items have related items that must also be exported in order for the selected item to function properly in the target environment. For example, if a workflow model is selected to export, all of its screens and associations (panels, fields, lookups, rule sets) are also included in the export.

Please see the Relationship Mapping section of this topic for a complete list of available items to import/export and their related items.

The following items are not available for import and export using Configuration Manager:

  • Information within the Credentials tab in System Management > Users
  • Advanced Views
  • Code or custom files
  • Field List Configurations (System Management > Origination > Field List Configurations)
    While Calculated Fields defined in System Management > Custom Fields are available for import and export, and can be included as related items in export packages, they may cause errors, or the calculations may be incorrect upon import into the target environment.
Data cannot be exported using Configuration Manager.

The Configuration Manager topic includes the following information to assist administrators in using Configuration Manger:

System Requirements

In order for an institution to use the Configuration Manager feature, the following requirements must be met:

It is recommended that databases in the source and target environments are in sync (target environment restored to the source environment) prior to any Configuration Manager functionality being used. A copy of the target database should also be taken prior to the import process. Failure to complete these steps may result in issues with naming conflicts during the import.
In order for Configuration Manager to work, collation must be the same in both the source and target environments' server and database. If collation is not the same, an error is received upon import of the package in the target environment, preventing the import from completing successfully.

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Configuration Manager in the Workplace

The following is an example of how an institution can use Configuration Manager to transfer system settings from one environment to another environment.

Lois Uses Configuration Manager to Transfer Test Settings to a Production Environment

Lois is a manager at Quahog Financial. The financial institution has recently installed Temenos Infinity release 15.05 in their test environment. Lois has been eagerly configuring the new system to suit her institution’s business needs. Once she is done configuring and testing release 15.05, her IT resource loads the same release in production.

Lois is now dreading the thought of having to reconfigure her new production system to match her test system, until she remembers that she can use Configuration Manager to transfer her settings in a few simple clicks.

She decides to begin by transferring one of her Standard Workflow Models.

On her test system, Lois browses to System Management > Configurations > Export Configurations and clicks .

She selects Origination >  Loan Workflow Models from the Item Type drop-down and finds the   in the list of Available  workflow models. She uses the arrows on the screen to move the model to the Assigned list and then clicks .

The Standard Auto Loan Workflow Model appears on the Export Configurations page along with all of the associated functionality items such as Screens, Panels, Fields, and Rule Sets. She clicks  and is prompted to save the Configurations file.

She saves the Configuration file on her local machine then logs in to the production system to upload the export package. Lois browses to System Management > Configurations > Import Configurations and clicks .

In the Upload a Package window, Lois clicks Browse to browse to the location of the file to import and provides a description of the file so its purpose is clear. She clicks  and the package is added to the Awaiting Import list.

Next, Lois notifies her IT resource, Peter, to run the import process on the production Temenos Infinity web/app server. Peter waits until the close of business that night to run the import process and informs Lois the next morning that the Standard Auto Loan Workflow Modelhas been successfully loaded into production.

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User/Security Group Permissions

In order to configure and run an Import or Export, permissions must be granted for each user or security group. To assign permissions for Configuration Manager:

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Configuring an Export

The Export Configurations page can be accessed from System Management > Configurations > Export Configurations to provide system administrators with the ability to configure the items for export through Configuration Manager.

This page displays information about the Export items added to Configuration Manger within the following columns:

Column Description
Item Name Displays the name of the Export Item.
Messages Displays any informational messages related to the item.

From the Export Configurations page, system administrators can perform the following actions:

Button Description

Click this button to add a new item to the export.

Click this button to remove an item from the export.

Required items cannot be removed.
Click this button when finished adding items to export. This generates the export package.
Filter Use this box to filter items in the list for export. Any text can be entered to narrow down the items displayed on the page.

This section provides an overview of the following information to assist system administrators in configuring items for export using Configuration Manager:

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Export Components

The following components are defined for each Export Item added to Configuration Manager:

The items that are displayed in the Add Export Items window are dependent on the solution that is active. For example, if loan origination is not active in Temenos Infinity, loan origination items do not appear in the list of Item Types or Available/Assigned items.

Component Description
Item Type

Displays a drop-down list of all available Temenos functionality that can be exported from the source environment.

Any item specific to a Temenos Infinity module (Collection, Loan Origination, Account Origination, Service, or Recovery) is only displayed if that module is active.
Available Box

Displays the items available to add to the export package. Assign export items to the package by selecting the desired item(s) from the list and moving to the Assigned box using the arrows that display.

This list changes depending on the Item Type selected.
Assigned Box Displays the items that have been assigned for export.
If an email template containing custom fields is chosen for export, the custom fields included in the template are not automatically included in the export package. Custom fields in an email template need to be manually included in the export package in order for the template to function correctly.
If Origination > Event Processing is the selected Item Type, only items that do not include any "Next on Workflow Screen" Event configurations are displayed within the Available list.
If connector-specific items are being exported, ensure that the connector is activated and properly configured in the source and target environment prior to exporting and importing. If the connector is not activated in the target system, the connector-specific items, such as workflow steps, do not function correctly.

ShowAdding Export Items

The Add function provides the ability to define the functionality items to be exported through Configuration Manager as well as assign additional items to be included as part of the export.

To add an Export item, click  within the top of the Export Configurations page.

The Add Export Item window appears:

Assign all Export Components. Once all components are assigned, click .

The added functionality items appear on the Export Configurations page, along with any additional items that are included as part of the export. The Export Items are organized in groups based on the Item Type selected. In the example below, the Applications Pending Review web part is a part of the Front Line Management dashboard being exported and all of the Web Parts are grouped together under the Dashboards > Web Parts heading.

The number of groups displayed varies based on the functionality items chosen for export. One functionality item may have many groups of additional items.

When finished configuring the Export, click . See the Generating an Export section below for more information.

ShowRemoving Export Items

Required relationships, or items that must be exported with a functionality item, cannot be removed.

ShowGenerating an Export

The file path cannot contain a dot (.). The import into the target system cannot process a file that has a dot in the file path location (C:\Framework.Default, for example).

The generated file is always named Configurations.akcfg. To create multiple export packages, rename the file without changing the “.akcfg” extension, so the original files are not overwritten.
If the Configurations.akcfg file is renamed, the extension cannot be changed; it must remain “.akcfg.” If this is changed, the import package cannot be successfully loaded to Temenos Infinity on the Configuration Manager Import screen.

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Relationship Mapping

The following table outlines each Item Type available when configuring an export and the related items that get configured in the package.

Related Items are defined as the components of the Item that are necessary to include in the package so the Item can function as intended in the target environment. With some items, only the relationship to the related item is included in the package. For example, the relationship between the Users assigned to an Area are included in the package. The actual Users and all of their Related Items are not included in the package with the Area, unless the Users Item Type is selected for export. For this reason it is important that the databases in the source and target environments are in sync so the correct and required Users exist prior to starting Configuration Manager work.

Item Type Database Table Related Item - Database Related Temenos Item
Address Book > Companies tblCompany tblCompanyTypeMapping The general settings, Contacts, and Documents configured for the Company in System Management > Address Book > Companies.
Address Book > Contacts tblContacts tblCompany The general settings configured for the Contact in System Management > Address Book > Contacts.
Custom Fields Core.CustomField tblLookupType The settings configured for the Custom Field in System Management > Custom Fields.
While Calculated Fields defined in System Management > Custom Fields are available for import and export and may be included as related items in export packages, they may cause errors, or the calculations may be incorrect upon import into the target environment.
Dashboards tblDashboard





The general settings, Design, Assigned Categories, Assigned Users, and Assigned Groups configured for the Dashboard in Dashboards on the Ribbon.
This includes any extra details that the Workflow Queue Detail, View, and Charting web part types store in the WebPartParameter field in tblDashboardDetail records.
Exports tblInterfaceProfile






The General settings, File Details or Optical Export Details, Fields, Schedule, and Criteria configured for the Export in System Management > Exports.
Field Configurations tblLookupType The Lookup Values configured for the Lookup in System Management > Field Configurations.
Groups > Security Groups tblGroup

















The general settings, Permissions, Assigned Users, Assigned Screens, Assigned Workflows, Assigned Dashboards, Assigned Views, Assigned Reports, and Assigned Areas and Lending Settings configured for the Security Group in System Management > Groups > Security Groups. 
Origination > Account Application Types


















The general settings, Credit Bureaus, Table Entries, assigned Stipulations, assigned Sales Script, assigned Default Values, assigned Fees, and Workspace Summary configured for the Account Application Types in System Management > Origination > Account > Account Application Types.
Origination > Account Products Lending.AccountProduct





The general settings, assigned sales script, assigned screen, table entries, and fee rules configured for the Account Product in System Management > Origination > Account > Account Products.
Origination > Account Workflow Models Lending.Workflow





The general settings, Edit Screens, assigned Screens, and Workflow Screens configured for the Workflow Model in System Management > Origination > Account > Account Workflow Models.
Origination > Applicant Types Lending.ApplicantType Lending.SubProductAssignedLookups

The general settings configured for each applicant type in System Management > Origination > Applicant Types.

When applicant types are imported with Configuration Manager, they are imported with all configured attributes including the sort order. This could result in multiple applicant types having the same value for sort order after the applicant type is imported into the target environment. After importing a package including applicant types, it is recommended to update the sort order from the Applicant Types page in System Management.
Origination > Cross-sell Products Lending.CrossSell



The general settings and Sales Script configured for the Cross-Sell Product in System Management > Origination > Cross-sell Products.
Origination > Custom Fields Core.CustomField tblLookupType The values configured for the Lookup in System Management > Origination > Field Configurations.
Origination > Decision Models Lending.DecisionModel Lending.DecisionModelStages
The general settings and Stages configured for the Decision Model in System Management > Origination > Decision Models.
Origination > Editability > Actions Lending.ApplicationEditAction Lending.ApplicationEditAction The Editability Actions configured in System Management > Origination > Editability.
Origination > Editability > Fields and Collection Members Lending.ApplicationEditField Lending.ApplicationEditField The Editability Fields configured in System Management > Origination > Editability.
Origination > Email Templates Lending.EmailTemplate Lending.EmailTemplateType The general settings and Details configured for the Email Template in System Management > Origination > Email Templates.
System-generated Email Templates are not available for export.
Origination > Event Processing Core.EventPair










The general settings, including any time delay configurations, as well as the Event(s), Action(s), and Rules configured for the Event process in System Management > Origination > Event Processing.
Origination > GL Voucher Lending.GLVoucher Lending.GLVoucher The settings configured for the GL Voucher in Lending.GLVoucher.
Origination > Hyperlinks tblHyperlink tblAreaHyperlink The general settings configured for the hyperlink in System Management > Hyperlinks.
Origination > Loan Application Types  Lending.SubProduct


















The general settings, Credit Bureaus, Table Entries, Assigned Cross-sell Products, Assigned Stipulations, Assigned Sales Script, Assigned LOA Limits, Assigned Default Values, Assigned Fees, Rates, Real Estate, and Workspace Summary configured for the Loan Application Types in System Management > Origination > Loan > Loan Application Types.
Origination > Loan Covenants Lending.LoanCovenant Lending.LoanCovenantPlaceHolder The name, description, and placeholder values configured for the loan covenant in System Management > Origination > Loan > Loan Covenants
Origination > Loan Workflow Models Lending.Workflow




The general settings, Edit Screens, Assigned Screens, and Workflow Screens configured for the Workflow Model in System Management > Origination > Loan > Loan Workflow Models.
Origination > Pricing Models Lending.PricingModel Lending.PricingModelRuleElement
The general settings and assigned business rules configured for the Pricing Model in System Management > Origination > Pricing Models.
Origination > Promotion Lending.Promotion Lending.PromotionApplicationType



The general settings, including all loan application types assigned to the promotion, the sales script and/or virtual capture sales script configured, as well as any offers imported for the promotion in System Management > Origination > Promotions.
Origination > Queues Lending.Queue



The general settings, Assigned Users, Assigned Groups, and notifications configured for the Queue in System Management > Origination > Queues.
Origination > Risk Models Lending.RiskModel Lending.RiskModelRuleElement The general settings and Assigned Business Rules configured for the Risk Model in System Management > Origination > Loan > Risk Models.
Origination > Risk Models > Risk Tier Lending.RiskTier The general settings configured for the Risk Tier in System Management > Origination > Loan > Risk Models.
Origination > Screens Core.Screen













The general settings, Panels, Buttons, Rules, Workflow Models, Interactions, Assigned Users, and Assigned Groups configured for the Lending Screen in System Management > Origination > Screens.
Origination > Validation Models Lending.ValidationModel



The general settings and Assigned Validation Rules configured for the Validation Model in System Management > Origination > Validation Models.
Origination > Vendor Management Lending.Vendor





The general settings, channels, and any assigned instances and application types configured for the Vendor in System Management > Origination > Loan > Vendor Management.
Origination > Virtual Capture > Blacklist IP Addresses Core.BlackListedIPAddress The blacklisted IP addresses recorded within System Management > Origination > Virtual Capture > Blacklist IP Addresses.
Origination > Virtual Capture > Cross Sells Lending.WebOriginationCrossSell Core.SettingsDocument                
The general settings configured for the cross-sell in System Management > Origination > Virtual Capture > Cross-Sells.
Origination > Virtual Capture > Product Selections - Account Lending.WebOriginationProduct Core.Document
The settings configured for each account product in System Management > Origination > Virtual Capture > Virtual Products, including the general settings, and assigned instances.
Origination > Virtual Capture > Product Selections - Loan Lending.WebOriginationProduct Core.Document
The settings configured for each loan product in System Management > Origination > Virtual Capture > Virtual Products, including the general settings, and assigned instances.
Origination > Virtual Capture > Screens Core.Screen




The general settings, Panels, Rules, Workflow Models, Interactions, Assigned Users, and Assigned Groups configured for the screen in System Management > Origination > Virtual Capture > Virtual Capture Screens.

Origination > Virtual Capture > Settings Lending.WebOriginationInstance









The General, Messaging, Branding, Product, Account Application Type, Device Parameter, Login, and Cross-Sell settings for the instance.
Origination > Virtual Capture > Workflow Models Lending.Workflow Lending.SubProduct
The general settings configured for the workflow in System Management > Origination > Virtual Capture > Virtual Capture Workflow Models.
Lookup tblLookup








The Lookup Values configured for the Lookup in System Management > Lookups.
Reports tblReport







The Define settings, Fields, Criteria, Schedule, Assigned Users, Assigned Groups, and Assigned Categories configured for the Report in Reports on the Ribbon.
Users tblUser

















The User Information, Company Information, Personal Information, Collection Settings, Assigned Security Groups, Permissions, Assigned Collections Screens, Assigned Lending Screens, Assigned Workflows, Assigned Dashboards, Assigned Views, Assigned Reports, Assigned Areas, Assigned Categories, and Restrictions and Lending Settings configured for the User in System Management > Users.
User Credentials (Credentials tab in System Management > Users) are not included in export packages.
Views tblView






The general settings, Fields, Criteria, Assigned Users, Assigned Groups, Assigned Categories, and Charts configured for the View in Views on the Ribbon.
Advanced views are not included in export packages.
Workday Schedules Core.WorkdaySchedule Core.WorkdayScheduleCalendar The Schedule settings and Days configured for the Workday Schedule in System Management > Workday Schedules.

Rule Items

All rules associated with an Item are always included in the package because they are necessary for the Item to function in the target environment. Once imported into the target environment, they automatically function as they did in the source.

Additionally, all Categories in the Rule Application are included in Configuration Manager. Administrators can configure an export to include individual rules by choosing the Rules > Origination > Category and assigning the desired rule(s) to the export configuration.

Rules including the DOCUMENT_SOURCE lookup cannot be exported using Configuration Manager. If a rule including the DOCUMENT_SOURCE lookup is added to an export package, an error is received when trying to save the export item in the Export Configurations page to prevent the rule from being exported. To include the rule in the target system, take one of the following actions:

  • Exclude the rule from the Configuration Manager export, and manually re-create it in the target system.
  • Remove the DOCUMENT_SOURCE lookup field from the rule in the source system prior to the Configuration Manager export, and adjust the rule after import in the target system.

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Configuring an Import

The Import Configurations page can be accessed from System Management > Configurations > Import Configurations to provide system administrators with the ability to upload the items for import through Configuration Manager.

This page displays information about each Import package within the following columns:

Column Description
Package Number Displays the next sequential number for all uploaded packages.
Description Displays the description entered when the package was uploaded.
Is Complete Displays a  when the package has been imported. This column is blank when the package has not been imported.
Completed Date Displays the date that the import was completed.
Completed By Displays the name of the user who completed the import.
Uploaded Date Displays the date that the Import package was uploaded.
Uploaded By Displays the name of the user who uploaded the Import package.

From the Import Configurations page, system administrators can perform the following actions:

Button Description
Click this button to add a new package for import.
Click this button to view the items included in the package.
Click this button to remove an import from the list.
Filter Box Use this box to filter the imports in the list by description. Any text can be entered to narrow down the items displayed on the page.

The default view of the Import Configurations page is Awaiting Import, which lists all of the packages that have yet to be imported. When first using the Configuration Manager feature, this list is empty. To change the view, click the View drop-down. Select All to show all packages or Import Complete to view package imports that have been completed.

ShowUploading Import Items

To begin the Import process, click .

The Upload a Package window appears. Click Browse to browse to the location of the file to import and provide a description of the file so its purpose is clear.

Once the file has been identified, click .

The package is added to the Awaiting Import list.

To complete the import, contact an IT resource to run the import process on the server.

A package remains in the Awaiting Import list until it is imported or deleted. For more information on removing an import item from the list, please see Deleting Import Items.

ShowRunning the Import Process on the Server

Because this process makes changes to the target database, this should only ever be executed off-hours. A backup of the database should be taken immediately before running the import.

To run the import process, log on to the Temenos Infinity web/app server and locate Server Manager (“Akcelerant.ConfigurationManager.exe”) located in the C:\Configuration folder. Right-click on the exe and select Run as Administrator. When Server Manager opens, click Configuration Management in the menu on the left.

Click to highlight the package to import and click the Import Package button. A prompt appears confirming that the import is ready to be run. Click OK.

The Output window provides a running log of the status of the import.

Once the import is finished, a message appears stating the success or failure of the import. The following message appears if the import is successful:

The following message appears if the import is unsuccessful:

The log specifically states the issue with the import. Please see the Troubleshooting section of this topic for more information regarding common causes of import failure.

The import consists of different stages, as different types of items each require their own method of updating the target system. The import process takes snapshots of the database at each stage so if an error does occur, the import can roll back from the stage that caused the error instead of having to roll back the whole import. While this ensures the target system is not left in a compromised state, it is still strongly advised for the institution to make their own database backup as a guaranteed protection against catastrophic failure.

All items except custom fields that have already been created are rolled back in the event of a failure.
Please contact Temenos Customer Care, prior to restoring the database, if the import fails. Customer Care can assist with troubleshooting and resolving any failure issues.

Upon completion of the Import process, the import package is removed from the Awaiting Import list on the Import Configurations page in Temenos Infinity. It can now be found on the Import Complete list.

The import process is now complete and all configurations from the source environment are available in the target environment.

ShowViewing Package Contents

The View Contents function enables administrators to see a list of all entities included in the Import package.

ShowDeleting Import Items

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Identifying Imported Items

Because an import can happen at any time and may be bi-directional, it is important to record and track in the database where items came from. A Source Globally Unique Identifier field (Source GUID) is added to all database tables that are capable of copying data, so a source is easily identifiable. After taking a copy of the source database and restoring it in the target environment, all items have matching Source GUIDs. Any changes made in the source and exported to the target find the matching Source GUID and overwrite that item in the target environment. This overwrites the existing configuration of that item in the target environment.

For example, a workflow originally called “Charge Off” in both the source and target environments is renamed to “Charged Off Status” in the source environment. When imported into the target environment, it overwrites the “Charge Off” workflow to “Charged Off Status,” as it has the same Source GUID.

Deleting an item in one environment and creating a new item with the same name to replace it does not work since a unique Source GUID is created in the database, which will cause an issue with the import.

For more information on Source GUIDs, please see the Unique Names/Values That Cause an Import to Fail section of this topic.

Source GUIDs only exist in the database; they are never visible from the application.

Imported items can also be identified by the system User Id (-10) and a date and time of creation of the export package. Normally when changes are made in Temenos Infinity, the User Id of the person who made the change is recorded.

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Import and Rollback Processing Stages

The following table outlines the stages of processing that occur during an import into the target environment and the rollbacks that can occur at each stage.

Stage of Import Title of Stage Details
1 Initialization Processing Upon launching Server Manager and selecting the package to import on the Configuration Management screen, the following actions are performed:                
  • Delete contents of [SharePath]\Configuration.                
  • Retrieve zip file from database and extract to SharePath.
  • Package version is verified.
  • Package is read into memory.

If all of these actions are successful, the import continues to stage 2.

If an action fails, the import rolls back and a failure message is returned in the log displayed on the Configuration Management screen in Server Manager.

2 Initial Rule Application Operations For each rule application included in the package, the import performs the following actions:
  • Load source rule application into memory.
  • Check out and load target rule application into memory.
  • Copy rules included in package.

If all of these actions are successful, the import continues to stage 3.

If an action fails, the import rolls back and a failure message is returned in the log displayed on the Configuration Management screen in Server Manager.

3 Backup Items Based on the Operations That Need to be Completed For items included in the package, the import performs the following actions:
  • Create database snapshot.
  • Backup items from SharePath to [SharePath]\Configuration.

If all of these actions are successful, the import continues to stage 4.

If an action fails, the import rolls back and a failure message is returned in the log displayed on the Configuration Management screen in Server Manager.

4 Database Operations The import performs the following actions:                
  • Database script processing                
  • Gather updated references (Lookup IDs, etc.)

If all of these actions are successful, the import continues to stage 5.

If an action fails, the import rolls back and a failure message is returned in the log displayed on the Configuration Management screen in Server Manager.

5 Custom Field Operations The import performs the following actions:                
  • Check out and load target rule application into memory, if not already loaded.                
  • Create custom fields.

If all of these actions are successful, the import continues to stage 6.

If an action fails, the import rolls back and a failure message is returned in the log displayed on the Configuration Management screen in Server Manager.

The custom fields’ database column name and Core.CustomField Source GUID are not rolled back in the event of a failure; these items remain in the target environment.
6 Secondary Rule Application Operations For each rule application included in the package, the import performs the following actions:                
  • Sync lookups in the target rule application                
  • Process each rule that was added in stage 2 to ensure the lookup values are correctly updated with their new IDs.

If all of these actions are successful, the import continues to stage 7.

If an action fails, the import rolls back and a failure message is returned in the log displayed on the Configuration Management screen in Server Manager.

7 Import Files The import performs the following actions:
  • Update file names.
  • Update tblLetter with updated file name.

If all of these actions are successful, the import continues to stage 8.

If an action fails, the import rolls back and a failure message is returned in the log displayed on the Configuration Management screen in Server Manager.

8 Import Cleanup/Commit/Finalization The import performs the following actions:
  • Validate and save updated copies of rule apps.
  • Set Core.ConfigImportHistory record as IsImportCompleted = True.
  • Delete contents of [SharePath]\Configuration.
  • Delete snapshot.

If all eight stages are successful, an import success message is returned in the log displayed on the Configuration Management screen in Server Manager.

If an action fails, an import failure message is returned in the log.

The following actions are performed during each import rollback:

If all of these actions are successful, a rollback success message is returned in the log displayed on the Configuration Management screen in Server Manager. If an action fails, rollback processing is aborted and a failure message is returned in the log.

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The following section provides system administrators assistance in troubleshooting some common issues that can result in import failure:

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Unique Names/Values That Cause an Import to Fail

If any of the below fields are sent from the source system to the target system with the same name but a different Source GUID in the target database, the import will fail.

For example, if the source (test) and target (production) environments are identical, and an item is deleted from test then rebuilt with the exact same information, a new database record is created with a different Source GUID. There are no problems exporting the item, but when importing it, the import fails because there is an item with the same name and a different Source GUID.

If the import fails for this reason, an error similar to the following is received in the log:

To resolve this error, change the name of the item in the source environment prior to importing into the target environment.

If Configuring this Item This Value Must be Unique Path to Temenos Functionality
Account Application Type Name System Management > Origination > Account > Account Application Types
Account Product Name System Management > Origination > Account > Account Products
Account Workflow Model Name System Management > Origination > Account > Account Workflow Models
Applicant Type Code System Management > Origination > Applicant Types
Branch Branch Code System Management > Branches
Company Company Name

Company Code

System Management > Address Book > Companies
Cross-Sell Products Name System Management > Origination > Cross-sell Products
Dashboard Dashboard Name Ribbon > Dashboards Icon
Group Group Name System Management > Groups > Security Groups
Loan Application Type Name System Management > Origination > Loan > Loan Application Types
Loan Category Name System Management > Categories
Loan Pricing Model Name System Management > Origination > Loan > Pricing Models
Loan Risk Model Name System Management > Origination > Loan > Risk Models
Loan Risk Tier Name System Management > Origination > Loan > Risk Models
Loan Workflow Model Name System Management > Origination > Loan > Loan Workflow Models
Lookup Type Lookup Type System Management > Field Configurations > System LookupsSystem Management > Origination > Field Configurations
Meta Data Field Label System Management > Screens
Origination Decision Model Name System Management > Origination > Decision Models
Origination Email Template Subject System Management > Origination > Email Templates
Origination Queue Name System Management > Origination > Queues
Origination Screen Screen Name System Management > Origination >Screens
Report Report Name Ribbon > Reports Icon
User Username System Management > Users
View View Name Ribbon > Views Icon
Workday Schedule Schedule Name System Management > Workday Schedules

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Issue #1: Source and Target Versions

A common cause of import failure is the source and target environments being on different Temenos Infinity releases.

Resolution: To correct this issue, a backup of the target (production) environment needs to be restored in the source (test) environment. The source environment then needs to be reconfigured and the export needs to be re-run.

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Issue #2: Source GUIDs Not Matching

Another common cause of import failure is Source GUIDs (unique identifiers of each item in the database) not matching between environments.

Example: For example, when a database backup is taken from production and restored to test, the Source GUIDs are identical because the database is the same in both environments. If a custom field was then deleted from the test environment and recreated in the test environment and exported to production, the import would fail because the Source GUID for that custom field is now different, because it was assigned a new one during the recreation.

Resolution: To prevent this issue, ensure Configuration Manager users are not deleting and re-creating items that previously existed in the database backup.

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Issue #3: Functionality Has Rule that No Longer Exists in Rule App

A cause of failure is if a functionality item has been selected to export that has an assigned rule that no longer exists in the rule app.

Example: For example, a workflow is configured with a rule that has been deleted. An error, stating the item (workflow) needs to be resaved, is received when trying to add the workflow to the export, preventing the export package from being created.

Resolution: To correct this issue, open and resave the functionality item in Temenos Infinity, such as the workflow in the above example. The functionality item needs to be resaved to remove the reference to the rule that no longer exists. Be aware of other pieces of configurations in the entity that have rules associated with them that could have been deleted.

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